Thursday, 27 February 2020

Mixed Media Entomology - a DecoArt Mixed Media Project and Tutorial

Hi, servus and thanks so much for stopping by!

Today's post is an invitation to check out my latest project and tutorial for the DecoArt Mixed Media Blog.

My love for insects should be a well known fact by now - and this project is once more inspired by "bug beauty" ;)

I've found a cool and easy way to create my own beetle by using specific supplies that are usually meant to enhance human beauty...if you want to find out what it was that I've used, simply click HERE to get taken to the blog post with the tutorial and a list of all the paints, products and cheap little "specialities" it needed to get my gorgeous bug done.

Of course there had to be some yummy texture and crackle too! The tuto also covers how these were done of course.

I hope you like my project and the tutorial! Get inspired to create your own glamorous and fascinating specimen! It is really easy and quickly done - and great fun too! See you over at the DecoArt Mixed Media Blog!

Hugs and happy crafting!


  1. Hi Claudia, what a cool and amazing make!!! Just visited the DecoArt blog for your tutorial. Love your beetle, how it looks and how you've created it, just brilliant.
    And thank you so very much for your wonderful and kind comment earlier on my blog <3
    Have a great day
    Lisa xx

  2. WOW! That's such a great idea, love it.

  3. Wieder mal ein kleines Meisterwerk, eine brilliante Idee, absolut gekonnt erklärt und ausgeführt! Deine Faszination und Begeisterung für diese kleinen Krabbler spricht aus jedem Detail! LG Kerstin xxx


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