Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Tadaaaah! I finally managed to join in the friendliest sneak-peek-event of the planet: Julia Dunnit's "What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday"!

So love the idea of getting to know other crafters a little better by having a look at their workdesks. So here comes mine:

Usually at this time of the week my desk is cleaned up, as on Wednesdays my son returns home from school rather early and then we use to do some working together at this desk: he does his homework and I join in with some stamping or browsing through my stash sometimes...but most of the time I support him when he gets stuck (as he is dealing with dyslexia, he sometimes has problems on concentrating and most of the time it already helps when I am around and he knows he could ask for help ;)

But today I am freed of this "duty" (a duty I love to be honest) as I had a tooth extracted yesterday (in the hope that this tooth may be the source of my facial pain problems I have been dealing with for the last three months at least) and am off duty today (which means my caring husband fills in for me where it is necessary).

On my desk you can see the goodies spread (and tried out) that came with the post yesterday: some new stamps from 100 proof press and some bargains from the Craft Barn's sale (mainly embellishments for some future projects I have in mind).

My beloved Tim Holtz Cargo Case on the right, which really helps me not getting too much chaos at my working space (best thing I ever bought to be honest!), which makes crafting a lot more effective to be honest.

To the left you can see that little "pile" (a little chaos just HAS to be) with the awesome metallic rub ons I got from great Sandra and which I have only recently started to use and love. (Thank you so much again, Sandra!)
In the box with the American flag design I treasure some of my idea-ologie and other embellishment stuff.

Well - that's it for now and for my first WOYWW entry. Hope, you liked it.


die amelie xxx


  1. Yay!!! Welcome!! And so cool to see where the artistry takes place... what a fabulously funky workspace (no real surprise there, then), and how lovely to see you so early in my visiting. I always start with the others who end in the same number as me - and there's Buttons at 29 and you at 49 - very cool!!
    Alison xx

  2. A big welcome to you! I think you will enjoy looking around at other people's desks too. Love your TH cargo case, I have serious envy going on about that. Hope that the tooth extraction was the cause of the problem and that it all heals well. Welcome again and hope you have a Happy WOYWW, Anne x #35

  3. Na das sieht ja perfekt aus .. da würd ich mich wohlfühlen! Jawohl!
    und von wegen Art Journaling!
    Also halt ich für Quatsch, dass Du da groß Übung bräuchtest.. Du hast so viele verschiedenste Projekte präsentiert...
    Du hast das sicher ganz genauso brilliant drauf wie alles andere!

    Ich muss sagen, dass seit ich es mache..ich einfach viel über mich selber gelernt hab und ich mich in meinen Techniken sehr gut weiterentwickeln konnte..

    es ist auch irgendwie der Schritt FORMATMÄSSIG -mein ich jetzt
    zum Bilder und Keilrahmen malen ...

    wenn frau sich nen Keilrahem nimmt ..hat frau doch immer noch Ehrfurcht...
    aber wenn ich in mein neues großes Artjournal reinpantsche zum Beispiel ( ein großes Notizbuch A4 von Libro um 4Euro )ist mir das egal..da bin ich nicht verbissen und hab keine Skrupel..gefällt mir das dann grad nicht dann wird die nächste und übernächste Seite einfach draufgeklebt oder es wir eine neue Schicht Farbe oder Gesso über das Verpatzte gestrichen..
    das ist so schön locker..
    und ehrlich..was würd ich mit soviel Keilrahmen anstellen?
    und meine Werke von vor einem Jahr würden mir auch heuer schon nicht mehr gefallen an der Wand...

    ich habs gern ohne viel Klimbim beim Wohnen ...

    also ist so ein Art Journal für mich genau das Richtige!

    Ich grüße Dich und wpnsche Dir ein schöne restliche Woche ..
    aber ich denke frau liest sich nochmal!


  4. Welcome come along and join the snoop its addictive!

    Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

  5. Welcome to WOYWW. your desk looks lovely and busy. Enjoy your new purchases.

    The bears @#86 this week.

  6. Hi Amelie, I’m so glad that you finally managed to join in with our fun weekly blog hop.
    The little green eyed monster is making an appearance having seen your TH cargo case and it certainly seems to keep things in their place for you.

    Hope your face is feeling better soon. I had a root canal last year and I remember the months of pain I had prior to that, so I sympathise.
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @79

  7. A massive welcome to you Claudia! So this is where the magic happens! I can almost feel the creativity coming through the laptop screen:) In serious envy of that cargo case. I bet it is incredibly useful. Looking forward to stopping by again. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #29

  8. Boah, das sieht ja trotz Arbeit noch richtig geordnet aus.

  9. Hi there, welcome to our wonderful WOYWW? I love those stamp images- gorgeous. Reminds me to make some use of my metallic rub-ons, seeing yours. V

  10. I hope you are not in too much pain from having the tooth removed. I like the look of your stamps and embelishments on your desk, thanks for sharing.
    Ria #114

  11. Hoping your tooth recovery goes well and that it's solved the mysterious pain in your face! I love that your desk is 2 sided for you and your son! ♥ waving hi from the soggy laden hills of North Carolina :)

  12. Welcome! You'll love the metallic rubs! I've used mine almost down to the bottom! Great looking stamps. I've just ordered from them as I had just found out bout them. So it's nice to some their stamps. Hope the tooth pull,takes away the pain. Happy WOYWW! Nan 113

  13. AhA! welcome to WOYWW! I hope you're feeling better after the extraction, I expect if it was the cause, you can probably tell already! My lovely DD has dyslexia and I've spent many happy homework hours just twiddling around at the desk while I helped her to keep her focus; i miss that! i like the cargo box verymuch, but I'd need more than one and then they start to take up more space...!!

  14. Love the look of your desk and what you are doing.

  15. That TH case looks amazingly cool and useful. I may need to look for one. Blessings!

  16. Welcome to WOYWW! Your desk looks fabulous - really creative and very tidy (compared to mine anyway! :lol:). Those new stamps look gorgeous too. :)

    Hope you're recovering okay from the tooth extraction - I had one took out a couple of months ago after weeks of pain!


  17. Looks like a great desk. I am farely new to WOYWW. I am friends with Sandee.

    Sorry I am a day late. Fighting the nasty flu.
    Lori #84

  18. Great desk lots going on - my son suffers dyslexia as well so I know where you are coming from - thanks for sharing your desk – I have not shared my desk this week as am busy looking after my friends cattery but am enjoying looking at everyone else craftiness – Have a great week

  19. Ja der ganz normale Stempelwahnsinn, wobei es bei Dir noch recht übersichtlich aussieht. Wenn ich beim journaling bin und so eine Seite wie momentan gemacht habe, gleicht mein Platz eher einem Schlachtfeld.*gg*
    Gleich muss ich wieder klar Schiff machen, morgen kommt meine Tochter angereist,
    da muss Muttern einen halbwegs ordentlichen Eindruck machen.*hihi*
    Ich wünsch Dir noch ein schönes We,
    lG Anja

  20. I really love your desk and it looks a really great place to craft with everything at hand. nice to see some crafty mess of what you are in the process of using. I too have a cargo case and love it but one of the locks dropped off in the first week so watch out for your's. I take it with me now when I demonstrate at shows and it is perfect for finding and storing all I need.
    Jo x

  21. Very cool workspace, your case looks very handy indeed and anything that makes things easier is always a good thing.. Hope you are not too snowed in its very hot here the past week so sending some warmth to you..
    Sandy :) Thanks for the visit..

  22. Your desk looks like there are a lot of creative juices flowing there.
    April #141


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