Wednesday, 23 January 2013

WOYWW # 199

Rather new to the WOYWW-family over at Julia Dunnit's fab weekly workdesk-event, I am already a WVA (= workdesk-visiting-addictive), I have to admit. *lol

Today I tried to take a picture from a point of view that showed a little more of my workdesk's surroundings. Which means two of my three and a half crammed shelves, that hold a lot of stash I even don't remember owning any more ;)

On my desk you can see the last traces of yesterday's APD - acrylic paints day: a lot of mixing paints and washes, coating and dry brushing that was... and a lot of fun. Only problem was: during drying periods there was plenty of time to sneek around and through online shops, hunting for urgently needed (that's what they always are, aren't they?) crafting supplies - maybe even on sale?!!!! (Darn your coats and washes, Andy Skinner! *giggle). Of course the hunters stalk was successful... :D

The felt tip pen case to the right is my son's, who often joins in crafting, mostly creating fantasy playing cards with self invented creatures and loads of complicated data, indicating their powers for battle.  (LOVE them!!!)

Well, have to hurry on (and have to go visiting your work desks later). My dog girlie needs to be walked and my son to be picked up from school today. Have a wonderful WW ye all!!!


Claudia - aka die amelie x


  1. Oh how much interesting stuff in your crafty space! It seems you are one of the closest WOYWWers to me - Ljubljana - Vienna not that far apart! Glad you have joined, I hope you enjoy our little gathering every week - it is addictive believe me - I have been addicted for 3 years!! Huh!
    So let me see if I can do a German greeting!
    Alles Gute und schoene Gruesse von
    I can't find the "umlaut"

  2. Welcome to WOYWW, lovely crafting messy desk. Have a good day Jill #56

  3. Great view of your workspace today Claudia. I did have to smile when you talked about on-line shopping whilst the paint dries - thought I was the only one who did that - lol. It is always good to get a bargain and failing that - useful stash. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #57

  4. Hello there, WOYWW is addictive isn't it? Your desk and surrounding storage look really interesting. We know what you mean about stash you can't even remember owning!

    The bears @#91 this week

  5. It does take long to become addictive to WOYWW. Busy desk, and i see you have a tim carrying case, mine's under my desk. Gruesse von Francesca #72

  6. Hi Claudia. What fab shelves - ripe for rummaging!!! I am not sure how much room you have left for your new goodies though! But when did that stop us ;-) Glad to see you can multi task! Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 42

  7. Wow. Would love a closer look at the contents of those shelves. Looks so interesting.
    Happy WOYWW
    Alison #100

  8. What a lovely craft area and how lovely that your son crafts with you. My boys only want to borrow my promarkers for art homework!

    take care

    Jakix #90

  9. I absolutely agree with the stuff you forgot you had- I foound so much when I moved rooms recently. Scary isn't it?Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #73

  10. You have a very interesting workspace with some great products on show on the shelves. thanks for sharing
    Ria #92

  11. I’m guessing that the recession isn’t going to effect the craft shops any time soon them Claudia!
    I’m loving your ‘messy’ desk again this week, it’s looking just the way it should.

    Happy Crafting!

    Sue @ 111

  12. Oh wow Claudia! Was hab ich hier wieder alles versäumt.. es ist ein Gfrett...
    frau muss aufpassen wie ien schnell bist Du hier!
    Deine Arbeitsplatz sieht durchdacht , praktisch und inspirierend aus!
    aus der Jahreshow hat sich mein Herz in das Dominbüchlein verliebt...
    alles ist wunderbar ..abder das hat es nir speziell angetan---

    und von Deiner Zigarrenbox möcht ich gar nicht anfangen!


    sei lieb gegrüßt!

  13. hihi, ich liebe es auch (muss es lieben) auf kleinstem Raum Kunstwerke zu machen. Bei mir sieht es allerdings zeitweilig noch wilder aus.

  14. You have an amazing crafty space. I could hours of fun playing with those lovely paints.
    I had to smile at your craft hunt. We never have enough stuff do we.
    Thanks for visiting earlier and I am very envious of the beautiful country you live in, Austria is my favourite country ever!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #60

  15. Hi Claudia! Your shelves look a lot like mine do, lol And I just found a real art store close to me called The Starving Artist...could be a very dangerous place for me! There are so many things in there that I must have...should have...oh heck, just want to have!! lol Ask your son if he would share one of his creations, would love to see it! Thanks for visiting my desk, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  16. What an inspiring place...!!!!

    greetings, ALie :-)

  17. Guten Abend Claudia! You were quite right, your desk is lovely and neat right now, love it! Your shelving looks full of fun stuff I want to play with...thanks for dropping by my rather messy desk.


  18. Your workspace looks like a wonderland to me. Shelves of stash! Fabulous. I well remember my three lads making fantasy cards too a couple of years ago. They are still not too keen on reality!! Hope your dog enjoyed her walk. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #150

  19. great looking desk and workspace today Claudia! I love/loved working with my children on crafts when they were little cause I would get so inspired with watching them! Thanks for stopping by my desk! Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #35

  20. Hi Have just found your blog from WOYWW. You have some amazing projects looking back at previous posts. Will be a regular visitor from now on. Nice to have found you. Hugs Mo x

  21. ah Claudia, the fantasy cards and characters are abig part of my family life too, its a whole other world! Dont worry about your needs and wants during drying times, your secret is sfae with us!!

  22. Perfect space...everything right at your fingertips! Great workspace! Love the new WVA saying! LOL
    Happy WOYWW!

    ♥ Sue Kment

  23. Wow lots of lovely craftiness to see from this angle - Nicky 82

  24. What a fabulous workspace. So much to ooo and ahh over. And I love that your son crafts with you.

    Thank you so much for visiting and being lovely.
    Cheers, Rachel

  25. Looks like a great space, Claudia, with so many wonderful supplies to play with!

    Happy WOYWW!
    :)trisha #164 this week
    and a little late!

  26. Dein Schreibtisch lädt zum Hinsetzen und kreativ sein ein!
    Liebe Grüße, Gaby

  27. Glad you have joined us, and thank you for showing us some of your stash. I am in the middle of a major clear out to sort out some of the stuff that I had forgotten about and definitely have no use for now or in the future. Have a good week. xx Maggie #20

  28. I like your shelves next to your desk. What a great storage area.
    April #110


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