Wednesday, 20 March 2013

MOMWW = Mess On My Wednesday Workdesk

I am sure most of you know Julia Dunnit's lovely community desk hopping "What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday". Well, and Wednesday it is again and I already missed the last two of them and didn't want to miss this one again even though I am in hurry today too (as it was with the last two Wednesdays...but getting a new kitchen is a good excuse I guess ;).

So here's me Wednesday Workdesk Mess - on the desk you can mainly see all the stuff I used yesterday to create this tag booklet:

(too see more pages please scroll to the previous post).

As I didn't find the time to clean up the desk it looks as it always looks after a visit from Mr. Mojo and some happy messy chaotic crafting:

I hope I will find the time to visit you and your workdesks in the afternoon! But now I have to head off to the kitchen studio for last details on the planning. Enjoy your Workdesk Wednesdays in the meantime!


die amelie x


  1. Love it, great crafty looking desk! Rebecca #57

  2. haha, that's so funny!! That's exactly what my desk looks like after I made something =)

  3. This is AFTER you've been working? Mine looks worse than that before I start! Love the tag booklet - and hope you love your new kitchen. xxxx Keren

  4. Love that tag book! And your desk looks perfectly normal :)

    RosA # 84

  5. Hope all goes well with the kitchen plans. I can almost feel the creativity bouncing off your desk. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #92

  6. Oh that is one lovely tag booklet! Yep the project aftermath looks pretty familiar to me, too! Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@106)

  7. you have a bit of everything going on, love it! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #95

  8. Ah we love happy mess. We also love your mini book. :)

    Waving hi from the bears with no idea what number we are at. :)

  9. You desk looks very interesting with lots of lovely crafty stuff going on. I love your tag book I look at the other post and you have done an amazing job on it, love it
    Wishing you a very Happy WOYWW
    Ria #44

  10. I can't take a picture of my work desk as I think my camera is hiding underneath a pile of something! Your desk looks quite crafty!

  11. Loving your tag booklet, good luck in the challenge. Hugs Mo x

  12. Such a very creative looking desk today and really love your tag book too. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #34

  13. Happy chaotic crafting is the best kind. Your tag book is gorgeous.
    Happy WOYWW
    Husg Lisax #71

  14. Great to see your happy messy desk ! Just how I think a good desk should look - well loved & lived in !! Have a fun crafty week Ali #22

  15. LOVE those big wire cutters on your desk, doing some serious wiring I take it? It does look like Mr. Mojo has been having a grand ole time on your desk! Thanks for visiting me today Claudia, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  16. Your tag booklet is lovely!

    Happy (belated) WOYWW!

    StampinBoots x #144

  17. Lovely tag booklet! and great desk full of tools, inks and stash...Happy WOYWW Gill x #41

  18. Perfect yummy mess... just right to sit down and create at some more!!
    Alison xx

  19. LOL I don't feel so bad now! My dining room table is a disaster at the moment! ;)


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