Sunday, 24 March 2013


SSSS have a lovely challenge this fortnight called "Water". I am quite last minute on entering, but Mr. Mojo gave me some hard times during the last days. I also enter the Country View Crafts challenge "Pick and Mix" with this project.

As I love the sea and water in general, I was inspired to create a canvas when browsing through my beach findings collection from the wonderful holiday at Paradise Island two years ago. I made long early morning walks on deserted beaches with the warm wet sand beneath my feet and my eyes fixed on the ground hunting for treasures while enjoying the ocean breeze.

As you can see some of my loot went into this project and will make a wonderful memory keeper of (sadly too few) really happy days in the Carribbean.

I used crackle medium between a blue and coffee cream coat of acrylic colours on the canvas and blended the edges with Distress inks and Inka Gold.

The matchboxes were rusted, filled with three of my treasures and glued to the canvas. The words were stamped using my HeroArts alphabet stamp set.


Close ups will follow as usual!

Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful Sunday!


die amelie x


  1. Oh wow, what an utterly stunning project Claudia!!! I love the fact that you used own found objects in this project and the finished result with the crackle in the background is amazing!! What a wonderful way to display some treasured keepsakes. LOVE it!!!

  2. OMg what a gorgeous project. I want to try doing something on canvas but haven't figured out what I want to do. Your project is very inspirational so maybe I'll come up with something soon! But first, you have me wanting a beach trip!!!

  3. Fantastisch. Du hast mir die Augen für den nächsten Strandbesuch geöffnet. Mir ist zu dem Thema nicht wirklich etwas eingefallen und dann kam der Workshop dazwischen. Dein Canvas und die Idee ist brilliant (:o)

  4. Deine Interpretation zum Thema Wasser ist so gelungen, liebe Claudia! Ohne viel Firlefanz und Beiwerk hast Du die Reinheit und Ursprünglichkeit des Meeres dargestellt. Manchmall ist weniger doch mehr... Gefällt mir sehr gut!

  5. What a great memory this way you will never forget your lovely walks on the silent beaches!

    Kind regards, Alie :-)

  6. It's a beautiful piece of art, Claudia... I love the rusted matchboxes holding those wonderful collected items, and the whole background is like another piece of flotsam and jetsam - driftwood crackle, with just a touch of the treasure chest in that gilding! A really lovely make. Hope you feel rested after a peaceful Sunday and ready for the week ahead to be great!
    Alison x

  7. wunderbar gemacht ist das Claudia- eine herrliche 3 D Collage mit zauberhaften Oberflächen ... ich bin sehr angetan!!!

  8. Wonderful canvas and what a great idea for showcasing your treasures. Love the crackle background and the fabulous boxes. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

  9. This is amazing, Claudia! love that you've used a canvas with those boxes to display those treasures! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. Hugs, Sandra

  10. I totally love this. Simple, beautiful techniques and stunning results.


    I am back online, I saw an e-mail coming along, but it disppeared from my mail-box, I had my computer to be fixed! Doesn't matter it takes a little longer, for the swap!

  12. What a fabulous way to display those little treasures. Thanks for choosing to enter this into the first CVC challenge.
    hugs {brenda} x0x


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