Wednesday, 27 March 2013

WOYWW # 199

Another day here having us feel like in deepest winter... it snowed all the way through the last two days over here and it looks exactly the way you would wish it to look like for X-mas eve.... well, at least my dog cannot get enough of it!

What's on my workdesk today? Well, to be honest - not very much. I tidied it up after finishing my "metamorphosis"-configurations tray yesterday which you can see here.

To the left you can still see the scrap of paper where I noted the measurements of the compartments on - together with my latest purchase: a lovely Crafty Individuals stamp sheet!

You can also see the bowl holding my seaside findings and the remains of the paper I stamped the words for decorating the tray on. The opened slide film box in the left upper corner held the collected beetle who found a worthy home yesterday too. So nothing really exciting to see today.

So, What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday ?

But a lovely occasion to wish you all a wonderful Workdesk Wednesday!!!

die amelie x


  1. Deepest winter here too! I sneaked off the page to admire your configurations tray, and its great contents.

    Thank you for your welcome to me - und vollkommen richtig - Wien ist nur ein hop, skip and a jump entfernt von hier! Ein paar Stunden Autofahrt....

    A Happy Easter from a snowy Czech Republic

  2. Hi Claudia, I went to have a look and your configurations box is just gorgeous, I love all the little wonderful elements and creatures that you added to it. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #33

  3. I love the sun lotion ... !!?? Wondering if that's going to be used for creating ... cos it sounds like it's not getting much use otherwise! It's a great feeling having a tidy up after a project is finished, all ready for the onslaught of the next one! Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz @ 69

  4. I have been so lucky here in the South of England, very cold but no snow except for the day I came home from Portugal. Great desk, looks very interesting. Francesca #79

  5. As you know, I love the box, so never boring to see the makings... hmm - and sun lotion?! Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  6. Our snow has all but disappeared thank goodness, our paws can thaw out at last. We love your stampy pawchase, looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

    Hugs from the bears @#96 this week.

  7. Is that really sun screen on your desk? LOL you must be a born optimist! Your desk looks very busy - I write on inappropriate things as well, mainly because I can never find my notebooks! My desk has a the beginnings of a steampunk cuckoo clock on it - don't know if you'll be able to spot it!! Happy Easter Cindyx

  8. Your desk looks great today.
    I nice that you still have some of your seashore things to use in another project and I’m loving the new stamps.
    Just been to have a peek at your configuration tray and wow, it’s beautiful. What a lovely way to display all those treasures. It’s interesting that you have the cocoon in there. A few years ago I had one of those big caterpillars in my garden and had to look it up to see what it was. I’d never seen one before and not seen one since.
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @ 101

  9. We still have snow in Canada. Love seashore findings.
    Famfa 111

  10. awee... that stamp sheet looks marvelous! As does the bowl with 'sea-finds'... that's beautiful to have on your desk. Happy woyww/Easter. Marit #85

  11. Ah the seaside findings make me feel wistful for some summer, and I love that big reel of binding ribbon, worth having for the reel alone!

  12. Hi Claudia, I am fascinated by your configurations box and the stories behind some of the items in it. Love the moth. What a beautiful way to keep your treasures and have them on show. Thank you so much for your visit earlier. Hugs Mo x #62

  13. I loved your tray, it's truly a masterpiece! So you measure things, huh? So that's where I go wrong, I hate measuring! lol Thanks for visiting my desk today, waving hi from the hills of North carolina ♥

  14. Your finished tray looks amazing it has given me some inspiration for a project I have waiting in the wings.
    Wishing you a very Happy Easter and a great day today

  15. Love the tray - good job
    Happy Wednesday

  16. Love the tray, and I have that Crafty Individuals stamp too! Have a great week, hugs, Shaz xx

  17. Looks like you will have great fun with your new stamp ! Have a very Happy Ester ! Ali #159

  18. Lots of interesting looking things on your lovely desk. I also wondered about the sun lotion! Thanks for sharing :-)
    Zoe @ Top Floor Treasures #125

  19. It seems to be deepest Winter everywhere at the minute but at least we've seen some lovely sunshine today which is helping to melt the snow.
    Love those stamps you have on your desk and I too had to smile at the sun cream lotion... Is that wishful thinking??
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #60

  20. We had snow last weekend (on the East Coast UK) and just a few hints of it left in the garden, now sunshine today but still has been trying to snow. Love your configuration box. Happy WOYWW, have a lovely weekend... Gill x #75


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