Monday, 15 July 2013

"Captured Memories" at Our Creative Corner

Hello and welcome back to the mid month reminder of  

"Captured Memories" 

This month the team from OurCreativeCorner want you to share with us how you capture your cherished memories. All types of art are welcome: cards, tags, canvases, mixed media, etc., but your project MUST INCLUDE A PHOTOGRAPH.

Some of you may already know my passion for using photographs of my ancestors with my projects and I also did this time. I created a necklace using two sheets of thin mica, some satin ribbon, metal findings, alcohol ink and a portrait showing two lovely boys.
One of them might well be my great-grandfather whom I was lucky to know when I was a kid. He died at the age of 93 and I still remember his very own study he used to take me to to listen to his old records or some classical music from the old multi-band radio. I loved the names of cities from all over the world on his world-receiver, the lovely and dark old furniture and paintings there and my great-grandfather sitting by my side - both of us listening to the music.

Some of you also may remember the altered tin I recently made for my very best friend. This is its content ;)

I put the torn image and a chit chat sticker between two layers of mica sheets and punched five holes for the brads. Then I gave the mica a treatment with alcohol ink "rust" and fixed the two hinges to the encased image using tiny brads. The gear was glued to the lower hinge using special crafting glue. Done.

I hope you like it! You have to hop over to our challenge blog to see what my talented team mates created for your inspiration!!!

Happy crafting and I look forward to seeing your entries soon,

die amelie - Claudia x


  1. This is a glorious piece of art jewellery, Claudia. The photograph is wonderful, as are your treasured memories of your great-grandfather. The mica sheets are amazing - I'm going to have to look into those - and the metalwork is so cool. What an astounding gift the whole thing will make.
    Alison x

  2. Gosh this is truly amazing Claudia. Love the use of mica with the alcohol inks and of course your metal elements always look as though you have designed them just for this piece. Fantastic work. Hugs, Jenny x

  3. Wow, what an amazing piece this is!! Love how you have used the mica and combined it with the metal elements, and what a precious photo! The alcohol inks around it just give it the perfect setting. What wonderful content for that gorgeous box!!

  4. This is so beautiful Claudia, not just for the memories it evokes but the alcohol inking is superb, love the metal work and the little box is just gorgeous too. A really gorgeous make! Hugs, Anne x

  5. Wieder so ein tolles Steampunk- Teilchen. Das ist entzückend!

  6. How amazing this is Claudia...GORGEOUS!

    kind regards, Alie :-)

  7. Wahnsinn! Das ist wieder so eine Sache, die ich nicht mal in Erwägung ziehen würde, zumal ich auch kein Mica besitze aber die Optik spricht mich total an. Sehr eigensinning und der total Eyecatcher den ich auch tragen würde. (:o)

  8. Fantastic design and crafting Claudia. Nicola x

  9. Absolutely beautiful Claudia, the photograph is fantasticand even more so as it is your great grandfather!!!

  10. Das sieht so toll aus! ... anscheinend war es relativ einfach in der Herstellung, hat aber eine ganz, ganz tolle Wirkung!

  11. Wow, Claudia, this is fantastic! I love the way you created the wearable art with the double hinges. Super photo of your great grandfather too - what a splendid keepsake you have created! So perfect for our Memories challenge theme!


  12. How lovely to have such memories of your great-grandfather Claudia and this is such a special piece of work to capture those memories forever. Love the altered tin also. Love, Margie x


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