Wednesday, 17 July 2013

WOYWW #215

At last I found the time again to join the lovely community of WOYWW over at Julia Dunnit's place!

So it is my pleasure to show you my usual mess *lol

Well, what is actually on my wednesday workdesk? The most interesting object might be the soldering set from my husband, which I want to use for some first tries on soldering (I learned it during my arts studies, but that happens to be long, long ago I am afraid ;).
Then you can also see some of the remains from yesterday's play with my new stamp set and embossing folders (which led to this tag).
Aaaand one more time the often smiled asked about and mysterious sun blocker on a winter crafting desk - my blue and yellow spray bottle that once held a sun blocker, but is now used by me as a "XL-Mister" (as it sprays a very fine mist, which is perfect to work with when it comes to messing around with DIs and wrinkle free distress techniques ;)

Oh, and I can also see that I still haven't put back some of my acrylic colours... and the Gesso... sigh, seems I am a really messy crafter. My workdesk never looks all tidied up for longer than two or three minutes (as I mostly have it tidied up before I start a new project).

I hope you all have been enjoying the warm weather and a happy crafting week so far! See you at your Wednesday Workdesks then!


die amelie


  1. Huhu Claudia, bei Dir sieht es ja soooooooooooooooo interessant aus. Ich würde so gerne mal Mäuschen spielen, um Dir beim Werkeln über die Schulter schauen zu können. Toll!

  2. Ooh you have the same colour heat gun as us, only ours is covered in painty detritus!

    Waving hi from the bears @#86

  3. Well - at least yours is a bit neater than mine LoL
    Great idea to recycle the sun block bottle :-)
    Thank you for letting me visit x

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE in Greece #33

  4. Wouwwwww!!!!Bei Dir sieht es genauso aus wie bei mir.......wie beruhigend :-)))))) Wir haben einfach zuwenig Platz.......... :-))
    Danke das wir Dich besuchen durften.... :-))

  5. One of my favorite desks to visit.


  6. You have a really busy desk. Love all the crafting goodies. Good luck with the soldering tool. I love that you recycled that sun blocker bottle. Happy crafting #13

  7. Hello, thanks so much for visiting me and leaving a comment. Good luck with your soldering, if you get brave enough. I love the "chalkboard" tag you made with the Tim H. stamp -- I like the way you arranged words around the perimeter of the tag. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #101

  8. love your desk lots of craftyness going on, thanks for the snoop

    Happy WOYWW
    Jay NO.65

  9. have fun soldering! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #100

  10. What a fantastic idea about the sunblocker bottle! I shall be saving my empties now. Love the tag. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #50

  11. wow you have a great desk there with lots of lovely crafting stash to see. I have never thought at looking at different spraying bottles to see how fine the spray of water could be from them
    Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your week with this lovely weather
    Ria #75

  12. That's a wonderful lot of tools to play with there! Have fun.

  13. Your desk look like you're having a lot of fun crafting away and letting your imagination fly free. Have fun using your soldering set =)
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
    Monique # 70

  14. I have to do that too, tidy right before a new project but then it looks like a bomb went off again as soon as I get out the new project stuff! lol Your desk looks fab, like you must get a lot of creating done there. :) Thanks for commenting on mine already, enjoy the rest of WOYWW! Deeyll #50

  15. Well your desk is looking almost industrial this week with that big tool kit ! have fun soldering & show us what you get up to !! Ali #44

  16. Looks like you have a fabulous work area and desk with lots of wonderful supplies on hand. I love the tag you have created and your re-purposing/recycling of your sun-blocker spray. Happy WOYWW! Danie #34

  17. Herrlich!!! Die Ähnlichkeit der Zustände ist echt frappierend und nicht zu vergessen....auch Göga zeigen....Guckst du!! Voll normaaaal!! *lol* Das Allerbeste ist ja, wir wissen ganz genau wo..was...liegt(:o)

  18. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    What a great idea to use suntan lotion are does have a fine spray!!! Great idea.

  19. Now that is a desk I can relate to :) I never remember to wash out my spray bottles but you did - clever you. I must admit I am totally intrigued to see the whole of your blog background. It looks like it must be a wonderful piece of art.

    Happy (late) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (35)

  20. You may be messy, but you are always inspiring, and inspired too! So what does a little mess matter?!
    Alison x

  21. That desk is not messy it is in creative mode. I had a look at your lovely tag like always total beautiful. Sorry I am visiting late, life got in the way again but I am determined to visit.

    Belated WOYWW
    Eliza 26

  22. It certainly looks like you have been working hard!
    Thank you for visiting.
    Karen #57


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