Wednesday, 24 July 2013

WOYWW #216

Wow, I made it again for this week's workdesk wednesday visits, hosted by lovely Julia Dunnit! :)

As there is not much going on today on my workdesk (honestly it is rather close to my best state of being tidied up ;), I decided to show you what is beside my workdesk this time. (Hope, this counts too ;).

The shelves to the left hold all the embellishments, ribbons and cords, idea-ology treasure boxes, colour sprays, ephemera and also my tools for wire, wood and metal work and for painting tin figures for tabletop strategie games. There you can also find my inspirations library (on top).

The shelf behind my desk holds the acrylic colours, mediums, crayons, felt tip pens, scraps and stuff like that.

One last look on my "empty" desk:

Well, yes, you are right - tidied up looks different *lol. But at least there's some space left for starting something new ;)

I hope you all enjoy a happy workdesk wednesday and I wish you a wonderful crafting week!

die amelie x


  1. What a super craft area you have Claudia - lots for us to snoop too! x Jo

  2. Goodness, so far we've seen only tidy desks this week, worrying as ours has been left as if it's been bombed! :)

    No. 90 this week, we think.

  3. You may not have anything on your desk, but you are surrounded with stuff to "create" which is fab. Francesca #34

  4. Guten Morgen Claudia,
    Leider ist mein Deutsch ist nicht gut. Ich habe das meiste, was ich in der Schule gelernt vergessen, so I will continue in English.
    You work space seems so well organised, you must find it very easy to work with all your equipment at in easy reach.
    I look forward to seeing what you are going to create in that empty space.
    Chris #86

  5. I really like how you have the blinds on the shelves! No need to tidy up, just cover them up instead, brilliant! You have some great stamps on your desk this week, hope you get time to mess up the desk and play with them. I don't like tack and peel either, prefer the foam mount, just wish I hadn't put it off as I now have loads to do!

    Brenda 28

  6. Look slike plenty going on, in spite of tidy-ness!
    thanks for the visit and look around your place!
    robyn 56

  7. Lots of lovely equipment to use! I should so love to be let loose in your crating space. And, although there's masses of interesting stuff on the shelves, the desk is cleared for action! Now I wonder what you will create? Julie Ann x #17

  8. wow, you have everything to hand - your craft space looks perfectly organized and ready for action...
    happy WOYWW and have a great week crafting :)
    no. 60

  9. Oh I love to look at storage!! It always interests me to see exactly what people keep right to hand - and the box of scissors and tools looks very similar to myne! Happy Crafting, Cindy #36

  10. I take it that you are in thinking mode being as your desk is so clear!! lol Love your floor to ceiling shelving, so handy to your desk.... hhhmmmm! reassessing my room now.....
    Bishopsmate #76

  11. I love that all your shelf storage is so close at hand - brilliant... Looking forward to seeing what's next off that desk!
    Alison x

  12. Fabulous storage! Oh love the stamps on the corner of the desk! Which I'm sure wont be tidied for long. :) Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #49

  13. Fanastic space and the blinds are a great way of hiding your stash when you want to :) and so much space to for your stash Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 31

  14. Definitely as long as you have clear space to make a crafty mess than your desk is tidy in my books. I have a similar set up with shelving to the left of my workdesk, and I love how you have blinds to pull down to hide them if needed. What really caught my eye was the wonderful seaside and steam punk images at the forefront of your photo. Love the look of them. Happy WOYWW! Danie #72

  15. Wonderful glimpse at all your goodies on the shelves :-) Thank you for letting me visit.

    Happy WOYWW 216

    IKE in Greece xx #13

  16. you have so much lovely crafting stash out on your desk that I could have stopped and played all day
    Sending hugs on WOYWW and hope you have a great week
    Ria #44

  17. Love those cupboards, loooks much tidier than mine any day
    Bridget #23

  18. Amazing craft area it looks like you have everything at your fingertips.
    Sandra @87

  19. Thanks for sharing your goodies - love browsing - thanks for popping by - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #4

  20. Ah yes, it is good to clear up and have a fresh space but it never lasts long does it?! Have a great week! #2

  21. wow great looking work space!!!

  22. OOh I like your empty desk....ready to go and surrounded by what you need...very welcoming! i like the idea of the blinds to come down over your shelf stash..clever idea.

  23. wow what a super dooper work area....looks like you can get very creative in this workspace....i will be back for a closer look later today.Hugs Zeffy#14 Greece


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx

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