Tuesday, 10 December 2013

At least a bit of X-mas crafting...

...happens over at my place too.

But as I struggle with some severe health issues concerning my thyroid (obviously overfunctioning right now) like being nervous all the time (sometimes even panic attacks), not sleeping, shaking hands and trembling inside until all my muscles ache, crafting isn't too easy at the mo. But as I promised myself not to let this get me down or hold me back from enjoying the pre Christmas season as much as I can, I managed at least to do some tags and presents wrapping.

And yesterday I also received two lovely (and the most awesome) parcels from two of my best (crafting) friends! They came in just at the perfect moment as I was really upset and sad and panicing yesterday - fearing that I might not be able to enjoy X-mas eve after all and ending up in hospital instead with no one knowing exactly why.

One came from dear Sandra - my dear friend and co-owner of SanDee&amelie's
Steampunk Challenge blog (honestly without her this blog wouldn't exist!) and the other was a swap I made with A...err, well, you will have to wait until after X-mas I am afraid (*chuckle) to learn more about that.

But I can already show you the parcel Sandra sent me for X-mas. (honestly I cried all the time while unpacking all the treasures she put in the parcel - I was so overwhelmed.) She and A. really saved me yesterday from a day mostly filled with dark thoughts and anxiety.

Oh my, Sandra really knows what makes my heart sing! Look at all the brilliant stuff! There were some awesome stamps in there as well as some wonderful stencils, die cuts, tags, embellishments... well, honestly I am still overwhelmed and soo happy!
And the swap parcel from A. contained a lot of loveliness too!

Thank you so much, Sandra and A.! I am so happy to have wonderful friends like you!

But back to the X-mas tags I made...

I cut small tags from light brown manila card using the Sizzix Tim Holtz "Tiny Tags & Labels" die. I stamped my favourite X-mas stamps (from Red Lead, Tim Holtz and mariannedesign) with black jet archival ink and a X-mas stamp I bought at Depot with red ink. Then I sprinkled some Distress stains "tarnished brass", "brushed corduroy" and "picket fence" onto them using a small brush. Done.

The names of the recipients will be stamped onto the tags too - using my letter stamps from HeroArts. Here are some finished parcels to show you how they look like when in use:

I hope you are all doing fine out there and enjoy the Christmas preparations and Advent joy!

Hugs and take care!
Claudia x


  1. Sad to hear about your struggle, I've been through that, I know how hard that is... I assume you already get medicine for it?!
    You created some beautiful tags, and WOW, received a BIG parcel, ENJOY!!

  2. herrliche anhänger, liebe claudia!
    die sind "mehr als passend".....
    alles liebe

  3. I hope your health improves soon. It's very difficult to go through something like that. But, friends do make life so much brighter! Your gift box is brimming with wonderfulness!!
    Your tags are beautiful! I love them.

  4. ach menno, das tut mir so leid zu hören!
    Ich hoffe Dir geht es damit bald wieder besser -

    ich kennen ähnliche Probleme durch meinen bipolaren Status--
    ich muss auch immer sehr aufpassen wegen meinem Schlafrhytmus und auch die Schilddrüse muss
    immer mal kontrolliert werden bei mir ...musste ich auch schon mal wegen leichter Überfunktion was nehmen ---derzeit alles in Ordnung, aber wegen dem ankommenden Wechsel bin ich schon gewappnet,..da kommt sicher wieder irgendwas daher mit diesen doofen Hormonen bei uns Frauen!
    es tut mir so leid, dass es Dir derzeit so schlecht geht - Armes!
    Ich denk an Dich!

    arme Claudia...
    pass auf Dich auf!!!

    die Tags sind nichts desto Trotz einmalig auns absolut schön...




  5. These are so lovely. All the more so when you are struggling with health issues and feeling low. How lovely of your friend to send you lots of goodies which cheered you up. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. My heart goes out to you. You brave woman, opening your heart to us and telling us of your struggles and fears. I am so glad that you managed to create those stunning tags not only so you could share them with us but that they will give you an incredible boost and show you that yes, you can enjoy the preparations even with all the health issues you are dealing with on a daily basis.
    I sympathise with you because when we deal with chronic health issues, day in and day out, we so want to be able to achieve so much for Christmas and all through the year but it can be so tough to do so, maybe we are too hard on ourselves, our expectations too high!
    You deserve to enjoy the goodies tucked inside that large box!
    Wishes to you

  7. Deine Tags sind traumhaft schön, gefallen mir sehr gut. Es tut mir leid, dass es dir gesundheitlich gerade nicht so gut geht... Gute Besserung :)

  8. Your tags are beautiful Claudia - enjoy all those wonderful goodies! Sending you my very best wishes that you feel much better very soon. Nicola x

  9. Claudia your tags are beautiful and unique. As you know I was aware of your health issues already and here is hoping that very soon you will manage to get on top of it and feel much better. Blogfriends are amazing and your parcel is living proof of that!! Sending big hugs!!

  10. A beautiful set of tags. Take care of yourself and I hope your health improves soon.
    Yvonne x

  11. Beautiful, stunning tags!!!!

  12. Claudia, I am so sad to hear about your problems and I hope you will be better soon!!
    Your tags look awesome... simply black and white with the touch of red on craft paper is great combination and images are just perfect for Christmas time....
    I can imagine how you feel opening that beautiful gift box...can’t wait to see what you will came up with those beautiful things....
    Wish you all the best and big hug!

  13. Your tags look great Claudia! And so does your box filled with amazing gifts....
    But I felt sad for you, that you have such big health issues...you must feel awful...
    Lots of strength and good medication!!!!
    Hugs, Alie

  14. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope you are better by the holidays. Merry Christmas and
    Happy New Year!!!

  15. Hi Claudia, crafting friends really are the best aren't they? How wonderful that your parcel arrived when it did and that it cheered you up. Your tags are quite gorgeous, as are your wrapped parcels. I really sincerely hope that all these issues are resolved so that you can really enjoy Christmas. Thinking of you and sending you huge hugs.... Anne x

  16. Wow - your tags are so fabulous - chic, sharp and such brilliant stamps and stamping - love, love, love them! So glad you're managing to get little bits done to keep yourself sane - I do hope things will get at least a little better for you before Christmas.

    What a fabulous parcel from Sandra - and looking forward to hearing more about the mysterious A.
    Alison x

  17. Your sense of design and color on these tags appeal to me very much. Beautiful! Take care of yourself; I wish you the very best. May you have a happy winter season. (sorry I do not speak your language)

  18. Such a fantastic tag idea here Claudia. Love the way those splatters give the important distress feel. What a fabulous parcel too. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel bessere Gesundheit und eine wundervolle Weihnachten. Jenny x

  19. What a fabulous parcel and lovely tags. Hope you're feeling better soon. X

  20. deine Tags sind der Hammer! schlicht und einfach schön, wie es sich zu Weihnachten gehört ...

  21. Claudia as always your work so inspiring! and improve your health! take care a lot! a hug!

  22. Liebe Claudia, ich habe gerade gelesen, dass es dir gesundheitlich gar nicht so besonders gut geht :(. Ich hoffe, du fühlst dich inzwischen schon etwas besser und du konntest medikamentös eingestellt werden.
    Ich wünsche dir, dass du bald wieder vpllkommen gesund bist und ein wunderbares Weihnachtsfest mit deiner Familie feiern kannst!
    Ganz herzliche Grüße

  23. Wow! What a great collection of tags!

  24. Deine Tags sind allesamt wunderschön! Tut mir leid, dass es Dir nicht gut geht, und hoffe, dass die Probleme bald behoben werden können! Dein Weihnachtspäckchen ist ganz toll, enjoy! Ich komme gerade von meinen täglichen Spaziergang am Rhein entlang,und es tut mir immer gut! LG, und gute Besserung! Pass auf Dich auf, Valerie


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