Thursday, 18 December 2014

Flowery Meadow Canvas - a DecoArt Mixed Media Project

Servus and hi!

So great to see you stop by my little crafty corner! Today I would like to invite you over to the DecoArt Mixed Media blog so you can find my latest tutorial on how to paint a flowery meadow canvas like this:

Some of you might have already seen the first flowery meadow canvas I have done and posted about over HERE. And as I had such a lovely time doing it, I thought I'd share some of it with you and do a tutorial for you. Thank you by the way for all the wonderful comments on this project - as this canvas is very special to me (and hopefully one of a series of more to come) your appreciation is too. xxx

To get to the full post with a detailed materials list and stepxstep just click the above image or click HERE

Hugs and happy crafting,


  1. Dankeschön für die Superanleitung, war echt spannend und aufschlussreich. Wenn man das tolle Endprodukt sieht, überlegt man immer, wie es entstanden ist und anhand der Detailfoto's wird es auch meist sichtbar, aber dieses Mal hatte ich besonders in der Reihenfolge der aufgetragenen Medien eine falsche Vorstellung, sehr lehrreich und empfehlenswert!!. LG Kerstin xx

  2. Einfach super Claudia!
    Ich wünsche Dir ein frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr-
    ich flieg mit Töchterchen zwischen den Jahren 5 Tage nach London--freu mich schon!

    Bussi Susi

  3. Another beauty, off to check out the tutorial! holiday hugs :)

  4. Beautiful! Isn't that cheating posting spring flowers before winter. Sigh... only 5 more months of winter.

  5. I know I know!! I saw you there!! What a fabulous canvas!!
    I made my sisters go look at the blog and your canvas- they absolutely love it! Don;t know if they commented there but they both had wonderful things to say to me!! I said, yup, Claudia is my blog friend from afar! xoxo
    ps..sorry had to brag about you and your wonderful painting! teehee

  6. What a stunning canvas... will definitely check out the tutorial - so lovely to have a touch of spring in the midst of these dull, grey days!
    Alison xx

  7. Gaaaanz, ganz toll! Die Strukturen, die Farben. Bin ganz hin und weg!

  8. Wow Claudia, you really never cease to amaze, no matter what style or technique you use...this is freaking awesome...and previous one I like even more, but only because of its size...thank you for the looks pretty easy, but I’m sure I would make only a huge mess, nothing more :)


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