Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year and a New Tutorial

Servus and a happy new year to all my (crafty) friends and followers out there!

By now I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and relaxed holidays! I wish you all the best for 2015 and can't wait to see where your crafty journeys will take you this year!

It's "VonPappe Wednesday" time over at That Craft Place and I want to invite you over to check out my latest tutorial, which will show you how to create this little, vintage and shabby chic door hanger:

You'll learn how to combine some of Lisa's fab MDF and grey board elements with the lush DecoArt Chalky Finish paints, how to create some yummy crackle texture and what there is to dry brushing.

Curious now? Great. Then just follow the link to get to the post and to That Craft Place.

Hope to see you there! 
Hugs and happy crafting,


  1. Hallo liebe Claudia, das Hängerchen finde ich ganz arg gelungen, gefällt mir sehr gut!
    Ich hoffe, du hattest schöne Weihnachten unnd möchte es nicht versäumen dir ein wundervolles Neues Jahr 2015 zu wünschen, vor allem Gesundheit, Liebe, Freude und Glück, mögen all deine Wünsche sich erfüllen..... und natülich viiiiiiel kreative Ideen :o)
    Ganz herzliche Grüße

  2. Just popped over and had a look Claudia,love the grungy texture,another fab creation from you ;)

    Thank you so much for the really helpful tips re Lino carving. It's so kind of you to take the time to do that,stamp carving is easy compared to that!

    Have a wonderful 2015
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  3. Wow Claudia, what a gorgeous hanging! I love the crackle texture and the step by step was wonderful! Thanks for being such an inspiration this year! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! Big hugs :)

  4. Super grungy work! So beautiful! Happy new year Claudia!

  5. hallo Claudia,
    wieder ein wundervolles projekt! toll.
    ich wünsche dir und deinen lieben einen guten rutsch ins neues jahr, sowie gesundheit & glück!
    alles liebe

  6. Its a gorgeous project Claudia.
    Happy New Year Wishes to you and your family.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Claudia- always love your tutorials- you never disappoint!! Great textures and love how you made this hanging look like it has been around for ages!! xo
    happy New Year my friend!

  8. Happy New Year Claudia! This caught my eye on fb so I'm off to follow your link.

  9. Ohhhh I cant wait to see what and how you have done this - the sneak peak is already making me excited. Thank you as well for always being so supportive of my crafty experiments. I am always sp grateful for your kind words and comments!

  10. Fabulous make Claudia! Totally in your style and with wonderful tutorial...I just wish to have all supplies, lol...Best wishes!

  11. Glorious chalky crackle - I'm off to check out your tutorial - I'm sure it's fabulous!
    Alison xx


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