Monday, 22 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

As I have the slight idea that this might be one of the last quiet moments until Christmas Eve, I have decided to do my Christmas wishing to all of my dear blogging friends, crafty colleagues, readers, followers and team mates now. ;)

I want to thank you all for the constant encouragement you give me by commenting and thus letting me know that my blog is a source of inspiration to you. Your comments still are what keeps me going and - most important - blogging.

Thank you also for all the inspiration to all the bloggers and online teaching folk out there! Thank you to the players over at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenge blog! Thank you to the sponsors who help make this spot even more special! Thank you to my wonderful teamies! Thank you to Andy, who is taking such great care of me and the rest of the team over at DecoArt! Thank you to Laura, who is the most wonderful friend and caring challenge blog owner of all! Thank you to Kerstin, Manu, Julia and Louise for caring too! And thank you to everyone else I forgot to mention!

To all of you and everyone else who reads this post: 

Merry Christmas to you!

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly." ~Andy Rooney



  1. Liebe Claudia,
    ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches und gesundes neues Jahr.

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Thank you Claudia for your inspiration! I wish you wonderful times for Christmas.

  3. Claudia! I am glad that I can visit your blog and find inspiration in it.
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas and in the New Year I wish you a lot of great ideas!
    Max :)

  4. Die Krippe ist wirklich wunderschön und besonders gefällt mir die natürliche Gestaltung, an dem Spruch ist viel Wahres dran, man nimmt sich nur nicht die Zeit, um sich von dieser ''glorious mess'' inspirieren zu lassen ;-) Meinen besten Dank zurück und ein frohes Weihachtsfest im Kreise deiner Lieben!! LG Kerstin xx

  5. Claudia
    Your blog is a real pleasure, so many ideas for all of us, so many inspiration. Thank you....

    Merry Christmas ! Joyeux Noël !



  6. Claudia, Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all your lovely followers. Hoping for loads more crafty inspiration in 2015. Enjoy! Jean.x

  7. Happy Christmas to you and your family Claudia,you've been such a great source of inspiration to me since I started my blog journey :))

    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  8. Merry Christmas to you too dear Claudia!! and yes, you are an inspiration as is your blog- so glad to have found and connected with you! xoxoxo

  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  10. Claudia - just coming by to say thanks for all your warm wishes, thoughts and encouragements. I am so grateful to you for putting me on the OCC sightline. If it wasnt for you who initially got me to do some stuff there, I wouldnt have been there today. I am already having such a blast. I have s fun thing to share for January as well....really hope you like it. Thanks also for stopping by the Tincan Deli today!

  11. What a lovely crib - the wooden stable is almost exactly the same as mine, though my roof is set slightly off-centre... no surprise, seeing as I bought it in Germany! Hope you've been enjoying a peaceful and joyous festive time - quiet and restful.
    Alison xx


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