Monday, 7 January 2019

A Warm Wintery Red House Light for my Home

Hi, servus, thanks so much for stopping by and welcome to the usual invite over to the Calico Craft Parts Blog!

This time I have used one of the lovely Town & Country House Kits to create a little decorative light to put on top of my new electrical heater in my newly renovated living room.
I have always wanted a fireplace in my home, but sadly in our flat we don't have the possibility to put up a real one...and for several years I wasn't willing to even consider the alternative of a "fake" fireplace as I didn't like the really cheap and artificial look of "unnaturally red glowing plastic wood in a poorly designed kitsch-y fireplace".

But after our last stay at our favourite hiking holiday apartment with a (real) fireplace I decided to reconsider that,  as we all - my husband, our dog, especially my son (and I of course) just loved cuddling and relaxing in front of the cracking fire and even if I never was to get a real fireplace myself, I could at least see if I could find an electrical one that wouldn't look too cheap and too "fake".
Much to my delight I found that the design of these electrical fireplaces has much improved during the last years - especially the faux flames effects are now quite acceptable and the look of plastic wood has much improved too. Yay!

My husband still was sceptical at first, but then I found a particular little electrical fireplace in a design that even convinced him to give it a try! Now we LOVE our (fake) fireplace and enjoy our new cosy living room even more! (we have even built our own fake "cracking sound" device - 'cos what good is a fire without the cracking of wood!?). Even our friends admit that this little fireplace spreads a lot of cosiness and that especially the sound is extremely soothing and relaxing.

Our new fireplace kicked off a little renovation of our living room then. A new, smaller couch replaced the old and worn large brown one. And as the new couch is grey, I decided we needed a bit of colour in this area of our living room - so the wall behind it was painted in a warm, deep red. I also had one of my own favourite forest photographs (with red fallen leaves on the grey forest ground) printed on a large canvas to put on that wall. And a new wing chair with a footrest has now become my sons favourite seat. ;)

It is always good to repeat colours in a composition (in this case the furniture-and-wall ensemble) to kind of visually "bind" all the elements together and highlight one by the other - so I decided I needed some red home decoration on my little black round heating friend ;)

There are several sorts of gorgeous houses in the Calico Craft Parts store to choose from - but I went for one with a quite plain design (as the heater is a very clear and straight design too). As the window openings in this kit are already cut out, this little house was perfect to create a little red house light with! 

The how-to with steps images (especially on how to add the LED lights and where to drill holes and such) can be found over at the Calico Craft Parts Blog as always (simply click HERE to get taken to the according post on their blog). 

Hugs and happy crafting!


  1. what a warm and cosy place this is now Claudia !! Have a happy 2019 !!

  2. that's lovely- fireplace photos needed!


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