Thursday 14 March 2019

Hand Painted Folklore Style Jewelry - a DecoArt Mixed Media Project

Hi, servus and welcome to a short invite over to the DecoArt Mixed Media Blog, where I am sharing my latest project.

DecoArt have recently released a new product - "Stylin" Multi Surface Fashion Acrylic.
Being a hoarder of all sorts of alterable stuff I luckily (hahah!) had some leather scraps hidden in the backs of my shelves that now called to be used for trying these out and creating some gorgeous wearable fashion mixed media art.

I have recently started to explore folklore art because I love that it is close to doodling but also combines this with a playful way of designing and an exuberant painting style that is related to the tradition of former painters' "horror vacui", which is a Latin term used in art history for "fear of the empty space" and describes painting styles that aim for complete coverage of a surface with loads of detail, shapes and patterns instead of have filled and painted in space contrast some empty or negative space (as is more usual with contemporary art). 

As you can see folklore style even makes me, the grunge girl,  go for bright and joyful colours. ;) 

More info about the Stylin paints, the full tutorial and many detailed steps images are waiting for you over at the Mixed Media Blog
I have also taken steps images of the painting process so you can follow and recreate the cuffs if you don't want to go for an own design. 

Hope to see you over there soon!

Hugs and happy crafting!

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