Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Hip to be Square

I finally managed to not only have a wonderful messy time at my workdesk but also help myself to one of Seth Apter's wonderful workshops - an online one of course because I am one of approximately ten mixed media lovers in the whole of Austria - so the really good live workshops are all too far away. lol

But there are several pros to doing workshops online (as long as you don't feel the urge to be part of the hype and among those who are the first to try and show the actual styles and techniques) - one I especially appreciate is that you can do them at your own pace and also use different materials or simply adapt techniques you learn to your own work (which isn't something you manage to do in a live class).

[edit - you can buy and download his workshop by clicking HERE.   ]

I learned some really awesome techniques watching Seth Apter do "his thing". Seth - being a recognized artist - definitely knows what he is doing and it is such a joy to listen to him and his ways of explaining art and how to approach it.
And as I recently managed to get me some of his (also older) dies and stamps I decided to finally jump right in and play around.

And this is the result after several days of playing with paint, mono printing technques and arranging pieces:

There isn't much to explain - as that would mean giving away workshop content - but I can tell you what I used to create my mixed media board:

I used DecoArt Americana Chalky Finish paints, Viva Decor Rusty Paper and Patina, DecoArt Dazzling Metallics paint, DecoArt media black Gesso, dark brown and black archival stamping inks, a Kaisercraft stamp, Seth Apter stamps and Spellbinders dies and matte Decou-page.

The squares I used were blanks to make your own "pairs" game (or "Memory" as it is called in German).

Some close ups:

and once more the finished project:

and my desk as it has been looking during the last days....

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you are all doing fine! 
Hugs and happy crafting,


  1. I adore this Claudia.....the texture and colours are scrumptious! x

  2. So beautiful! I love the abstract theme and the combination of colours, balancing the square shape.

  3. I absolutely love this Claudia, I love Seth's art and this foes it proud.
    Amanda x

  4. Amazing Claudia, the colors and texture are perfect.

  5. Absolutely STUNNING!!! That grid layout works perfectly with the circles and I adore the cross through the centre - it's those little touches that you do that make your work stand out way above the crowd Claudia xx

  6. Fabulous Claudia, I really love the effects and design xxx

  7. It is hard to believe those are Memory game pieces, they look like tile. I love the way you have built up color and added some symmetry but not too much. This is a lovely piece!
    Would you have a link to his video? I would be intrigued to try the techniques myself.

    1. Thank you, Alice! I have added the link to the Cloth Paper Scissors shop now so you can buy and download the workshop if you want). xxx

  8. Stunning Claudia! I would venture to say museum piece! xo

  9. This artwork is stunning Claudia. I absolutely love it. The grid pattern contrasted with the circles, the limited color palette, the texture and layering. All just incredible!

  10. Die dezente Farbwahl, das wiederkehrende Kreismotiv ergeben ein sehr harmonisches Kunstwerk,genial. Würd ich kaufen. ;) Habe gerade hier bei uns Kunstroute besichtigt, da war viel Unsinn dabei, da hätte ich lieber deine Arbeiten gesehen.
    Also weitermachen und dann ausstellen.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  11. Just beautiful. You've really made Seth's products work for your own personal style.


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