Monday, 3 October 2016

Beware of the Grim Reaper!

Isn't Halloween just one of the most enchanting times of the year?!

My grandma and I always loved enjoying a good dose of spooky chill - well, maybe not a grim reaper's story in particular (as I was only three to six years old back then)...but "This Ole House" used to be our favourite song and she loved to tell me stories abou tiny dwarves who lived in old tree stumps in the woods and who made them glow in the dark (which I now know was phosphor)...but back then I always dreaded AND yearned at the same time for that moment, when we turned around the corner of the forest path that led to the Villa Castiglioni and faced it - a dark, weird shape in the half-light, sitting there, haunting and guarding that path at the same time.

(this is me sitting at the birds fountain in the park that belonged to Villa Castiglioni
sorry for this heavy dose of nostalgia...but I spent some of the happiest times of my life there.
The path that led past the spooky tree stump began at the end of this park and you entered it via a small old iron gate)

It was that mix of magic and of fear that could not only be endured but also overcome, that made me enjoy our evening walks to the inn and then back to the Villa and that founded in me a deep love for ghost stories and enchanted places - and Halloween is the perfect time to dive in and enjoy these feelings again. (no need to mention how much I would love to have my grandma still with me in moments like this. I do miss her a lot and I owe her my love and talent for art in general).

But I have made a disgression there - my original plan was to invite you over to the Calico Craft Parts Blog where you can see the whole project and a how-to as well!

Hope to see you over there! Guess I should have titled this post "beware of a heavy dose of Claudia's nostalgia!". lol

Hugs and happy Halloween crafting!


  1. What wonderful memories Claudia and how lovely that you can revisit them every year. Your spooky media board is fabulous with beautifully textured chipboards and fabulous pop of red. Enjoy your Halloween crafting too. Xxx

  2. A spooktacular project and a wonderful nostalgic heartfelt trip in your past! Hugs xx

  3. Awesome project! The best part is the story of you and your grandmother!!

  4. Love this, brilliant effect
    Amanda x

  5. Das sieht ja genial aus Claudia! Der gekrackelte Hintergrund ist ne Wucht. Dein Erinnerungsfoto ist ja entzückend!

  6. So glad you shared your memories!!
    This piece is so fab Claudia! Thanks so much for sharing all of the steps- so cool!

  7. Ein herrliches Gruselwerk, der Crackle-Effect im HG gefällt mir sehr dazu.
    Das Foto von klein Claudia ist total süß, Kinderglück pur, das kann man sehen.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  8. No need to apologise. I spent many happy days with my grandparents and they taught me many things my parents just didn't have time for only because they were busy working. I learned to sew on my grandmothers sewing machine and I'm pleased to say that I have spent most of my working life teaching others to do the same. My grandfather taught me the pleasures of gardening and as many of my followers know we have a very large garden which I love even though it's quite hard work. So there, now you've got me going Lol! Have a lovely week and happy crafting, Angela x


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