Wednesday, 26 October 2016

WOYWW #386

It's time again for me to take part in the inspiring desk hop that lovely Julia Dunnit has been hosting for 386 weeks now ;)

If you haven't heard of the "What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday" weekly event so far, I recommend you hop over to her blog, Stamping Ground, to learn more about it (but only after having taken a look at my workdesk  of

As you can see my desk is - once again - crammed with some of my favourite stuff to work with: a vintage wooden cigar box filled with dictionary page scraps to the left, my matte Decou-Page, my favourite tones from the DecoArt media fluid acrylics line, white Gesso, black archival stamping ink and my latest project I am working on - an altered book after an online workshop by wonderful Seth Apter. I have already shared my finished book cover and binding and the first pages yesterday (in this post over here).

My book is all about the magic of trees and I am using rubber stamps as well as image transfers from own tree photographs - and hopefully I will also take the courage and add some tree drawings or paintings as well...(at least that's the plan - creating a mixed media tree lovin' book with variations of techniques and trees).

Luckily I managed to finish another page to add to my book - combining Seth's "paper quilting" technique with my own idea on how to work on this background...

To save my single pages from sticking together I took apart a vintage photo album to use the protective sheets. These have not only fabulously yellowed over time, but also have some embossed texture - so these protective pages give additional texture to my book - which is something I love even more than the fact that now my pages are "safe". lol

The next two finished pages:

On the front I used part of a Crafty Individuals stamp...

...and on the back an image transfer using one of my own photographs. This tree stands in one of my most favourite places to go to - at Castle Bernstein in Burgenland.

Thanks for stopping by today! I (plan and) hope to meet you over at Julia's workdesk soon ;)

Hugs and happy crafting,


  1. Such simple but beautiful pages, Claudia. I truly love the peaceful way they make me feel just by looking at them.

  2. Loving your tree themed book! Those pages are simple but very striking! I was just looking at Seth Apter's blog the other day! So inspiring! Happy WOYWW! zuzsa #24

  3. Hi Claudia, I love your book, so much detail and texture too. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #1 xxx

  4. Wunderschöne Seiten Claudia! Ganz toll!

  5. I'm so inspired today by your beautiful pages! I have a dictionary I bought at a library sale just for this reason and had totally forgot about it. Happy Wednesday! Sandy Leigh #44

  6. I like how the trees came out in this. You do such great artwork all the time.

  7. I love altered books, but I haven't made one in quite awhile! Yours is beautiful, I love the colors and the trees, and the red cover! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #49

  8. Hello your work is so lovely thank you for sharing and for popping by my blog. Anne x #17

  9. Your altered book is just beautiful.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #42

  10. Hi Claudia, Seth is making a large hole in my savings Lol! as I cannot resist his stamps, dies and stencils. Your book is great and I am considering making one and putting all the samples in using his stuff. Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 20

  11. Ooh, I like your book and I like Seth Apter very much - must look into this online class of his as I missed one of his workshops when I was ill a short while ago.
    I see you are a DecoArt fan too - but then I am a sucker for buying paint full stop.
    Hugs & Thanks for coming to see me
    Neet 2 xx

  12. beautiful work in this book, I love it! will go and check out the online course as I love Seth's work. Helen #5

  13. Your desk looks like a happy space, especially since it's full of your favorite materials! I love that book cover and the pages you've created. The pages are subtle, but stunning. I'm sure one of Seth's classes is a lot of fun and inspiration. Have a great time working on your book!
    Hope #43

  14. Hi Claudia,
    I am loving your tree book! And what a genius idea to use the old protective sheets from photo albums in between pages! I use pieces of greaseproof paper torn off a roll which I have had for a long time. You used to be able to buy these rolls at the supermarket, but not anymore. I don't know what I will do when this roll runs out :(

  15. This is just fabulous Claudia= I love the trees and the feel of an old woods somewhere , waiting to be discovered!

  16. Your journal pages are a delight to the eye. Terrific tree and overlay! Keep smiling and creating. Gorgeous works.


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