Saturday, 15 October 2016

My Own Little Farnsworth! Yay!

Servus, hi and welcome! I am so glad you're stopping by!
Today I have a little somethin' to share with you that I had wanted to do for a long time...but haven't dared to approach...until now!

Fans of the awesomely charming and fun TV series "Warehouse 13" already know what I am talking about as they know that awesome steampunk-ish communications device that Archie's team use to update each other on the latest artefacts and their powers and effects - the Farnsworth!
And here's my version of it - made from an altered tin.

It is my project for this month's "Anything Goes - Steampunk/Industrial" challenge over at 

- and I would love to see you play along with us soon! 

Don't ask me who this guy is that's talking on the phone...I haven't seen him before...maybe a new member of Archie's crew...

I started by searching my bits 'n bobs box for small buttons, screws and switches that I could use for my Farnsworth. A watch glass from my old watchmaker's cabinet was perfect for the little circle screen and the light bulb was turned from white to red using alcohol ink.

To help the DecoArt Metallic Lustre adhere to the tin I first gave everything a coat of matte DecoArt Decou-Page and then a coat of DecoArt media black Gesso. That luckily provided enough tooth for the Lustre to cling to. I used the Metallic Lustre like paint - applying it with a soft wide flat brush.

I cut out the openings for the light bulb and for the speaker.

Then I glued on all the pieces after I had "engraved" the "Farnsworth" logo using a black ball pen.

I stacked some thick corrugated card pieces to insert my finished operations board into the tin and added four gold half pears around the circle screen.


 This is the size of my Farnsworth - a bit small, but I couldn't find a larger tin so far. So a mini version will have to do for now.

It was great fun to make and the result looks astonishingly convincing! Well, at least to

Our Anything Goes - Steampunk/Industrial challenge over at the SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenge blog is still open until the end of the month! Make sure you check out the makes of Team A and B and let yourself be inspired by the variety of projects made by my awesome DT which I am so proud of! ;) Just click HERE to get to our challenge blog and I hope to meet you over there soon!

Hugs and happy crafting!


  1. Einfach genial! WOW! Ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt was dir so einfällt. Das sieht so klasse aus. Ich wünsch dir einen schönen kreativen Herbst. Bleib gesund und fröhlich, auch wenns Draußen grau und trübe ist. Da llaß Drinnen die Fantasie und die farben sprühen.
    Liebe grüße

  2. Great project. You nailed the Farnsworth!

  3. Tolles Teil hast du dir da wieder ausgedacht liebe Claudia! Sieht wirklich aus, als würde es funktionieren =)
    Ich hoffe, dir geht es gesundheitlich wieder gut und ich freue mich schon auf die nächsten Phantasiegeschichten von dir
    Liebe Grüße

  4. This is gorgeous work, Claudia! Love all the wonderful details!

  5. You know I love such tiny alterations :) I love it even I haven't watched mentioned TV series...

  6. Wowzers!! I LOVE your Farnsworth!! I really wanted one just like yours until you said Artie could reach you anytime day or night :( but, it would still be so cool to have one!! I just love that you made this cool device, hugs, maura

  7. Claudia,
    I have no idea what show you are talking about- will have to see if I can find it on Youtube-
    As for your piece- WoWS! Brilliant!! You are so creative- I just love this, right down to your handwriting for the label!! Kudos!! xx

  8. A genius idea, very cleverly executed, your Farnsworth is brilliant! Anne x


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