Saturday, 24 May 2014

A Very Vintage Necklace

Servus, dear crafting friends!
Today I want to share with you an altered art jewelry piece I made:


Maybe you already know Retro Kraft Shop, Meresanth's fabulous online store for vintage and steampunk items? I really love the range she offers - especially the watch parts and metal embellishments - but also the range of media she offers is perfect for creating steampunk and/or vintage projects that look heavenly aged and as if they had a story to tell.

I used some of her lovely stuff (watch gears, a watch dial, a vintage button, a metal watch case and some lace ribbon alongside the metal chain) to create a vintage necklace.

I especially love the "damaged" watch dial and the lovely openable watch case which I turned from shiny silver into aged bronze (with a hint of patina) by using Inka Gold guilding pastes which you can also buy at Agnieszka aka Meresanth's Retro Kraft Shop! You will find a short tutorial including a detailed materials list over at the Retro Kraft Shop blog .

The inside of the watch case holds some tiny watch gears and a lovely background paper from the Prima "Cartographer" pad, which is one of my favourites at the moment.

The frozen charlotte was a find at ebay. (I am working on making casts from frozen charlottes using white UTEE at the moment so I won't run out of my real antique ones...maybe I will show you the cast frozen charlottes with a later project...but for now I am still experimenting with my melt pot and the "perfect" cast ;).

The single items were wrapped with black wire and built into loops so I could fix them to the chain with jump rings later. I still have to practice a lot with creating these wire loops and wrappings as you can see... (looking at the photograph while writing this post I find that I forgot to bend in the ends of the wire thoroughly with the vintage button pendant...uh oh...  ;) . The wire was given some dabs with Inka Gold "Brown" guilding paste to soften the dark black colour.

I hope you like my necklace and I really recommend you visit Retro Kraft Shop to see their awesome range of vintage treasures!

Hugs and happy crafting,

Claudia x


  1. Das sieht richtig toll aus - sehr exclusive mit einem wundervollen Edel-schäbig-exclusiv Look!
    Du scheinst ganz schön am Hexen zu sein in Deiner Kreativküche mit dem heissen Töpfchen!
    Da bin ich schon neugierig was da noch alles auf uns zu kommt von Dir!
    Das Quartett im unteren post in wieder eine Augenweide im Gesamten und auch jedes einzelne ein absolutes kleines Traumwerk..
    Ich grüße Dich aus dem Waldviertel heute nach abendlichem und nöchtlichem Regen wieder Sonne ..endlich sowas wie ein VorSommer >>>

  2. Stunning! I absolutely love the eclectic mix you have here.

  3. Das sieht echt chic und vintagig aus, liebe Claudia. Toll gemacht.

    Ich wünsche Dir noch ein schönes Wochenende

  4. Brilliant Claudia, what a stunning necklace! Love that watch case wow, and the frozen charlotte looks cool too, much nicer than Tim's plastic imitations (can't stand those really)...

  5. fabulous necklace!
    Enjoy our sunday!
    Groetjes Karin

  6. Fabulous necklace Claudia! I love the style with all the different elements. Truly unique! Thank you for the comment you left about my Big Top project over on the eP blog. You will love using the stamps, I shall look forward to seeing your creations ! X

  7. Gorgeous necklace Claudia. Good choice of elements and the nice thing is that you could always add more trinkets if you find something else.
    Look forward to seeing how you progress with the casts. Have you thought about using the Mod Podge Melts for moulds, they come in white and clear.
    Happy crafting, Angela x

  8. Brilliant combination of elements to create a wonderful piece of wearable art - this is just gorgeous!
    Alison xx

  9. Die Kette ist wunderschön! Besonders die kleine Taschenuhr hat es mir angetan :) Ich würde sie auf alle Fälle sofort tragen!
    Einen schönen Sonntag wünsche ich dir!
    xxx Evelyn


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