Friday, 2 May 2014

"The Potatoe" - Craft Stamper's May Take It Make It Challenge

Servus and welcome back to another start of a new challenge issue. Only yesterday I posted both my DT projects for the new challenges over at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges and Our Creative Corner (and I recommend you join in too as both challenge themes are just great and you will find a lot of awesome inspiration done by both design teams.  Learn more about my two DT creations by following the links above to my blog posts)!

Today it's Craft Stamper's Take It Make It challenge's turn - hosted by the lovely Trish Latimer!

The theme for this month's challenge is 

The Potatoe

and it is so much fun! 

Use good old potatoes to carve/cut designs you use for stamping on your projects. To learn more about all the details hop over to Craft Stamper's blog!

The arrows were stamped with a potatoe too, but I used the same half of the potatoe to create the black dotted circles afterwards. So there are just these two stamps I can show you.

It was a lot of fun and reminded me of happy childhood creations too.

I used DecoArt Americana acrylic colours to do the stamping and I love that with some spots you can see the texture created by the potatoe starch that blended with the colours during the printing process.

To add some detail and depth I also used black, orange and green watercolour pencils and a fine detail brush to accent some of the stamped shapes and create a border.

I hope you like my PP (= Potatoe Project) and take a look at all the other amazing inspiration the Take It Make It DT has created for you!!! Check out what prize there is to win and don't miss the chance to see your winning project published in one of Craft Stamper's issues!

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia x


  1. Hi Claudia. Wow! Great colours and what a load of fun you seem to be having! I especially love the texture with the acrylics.
    Dot x

  2. I love the fact your photo included the potatoes you used -- this is such a fun project! Well done!!

  3. Hach, der gute alte Kartoffeldruck, eine tolle Karte.

  4. So much fun - fresh and funky, and fabulous potato stamping!
    Alison x


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