Thursday, 1 May 2014

Let's Get Scrappy Again - Our Creative Corner's May Challenge

Servus and welcome back to my creative little corner East of the wonderful Alps ;)
Art journaling time again....and time to show you my make for the May challenge at Our Creative Corner!

I was very happy that after Linda's challenge "Let's Get Scrappy" was cancelled in March due to some general issues that needed to be fixed and the break, we now were asked to use our hoarded and beloved scraps again and redo that wonderful challenge! And in my case it led to this art journal page!

Linda says: "use your scraps and left overs from previous projects, pieces of paper, scraps of ribbon, embellishments made and never used.  If you are like me and can't bear to discard all those yummy scraps, you'll have a variety of possibilities to use for this project.  Let's put some of them to use!"

And a variety of possibilities to choose from I had! I finally decided, while cleaning up my studio and re-organizing that lovely watchmakers cabinet I got for X-mas, that I wanted to use the fallen off watch glass labels and tiny pieces of wrapping papers I had collected (because I simply couldn't throw them know what I am talking about, don't you?).

You can see the labels on the watch glasses? When I received the cabinet I took out all the glasses and stuff and dusted off all the drawers...finding a lot of crumpled paper pieces in those tiny compartments that were stuffed in to protect the watch glasses edges. First I put them aside to throw them away, but then....well, I guess I am not alone with being a scrap hoarder *lol

May also is a special month over at Our Creative Corner as wonderful Laura celebrates her first anniversary as the blog owner! There will be a lot of birthday specials and even an additional special surprise give away! Please make sure that you don't miss any of it and of the information over at our challenge blog!

As you can see I used some of the round labels, but there were also oval and square ones that looked a bit like tiny letter stamps - all of them with numbers on them that maybe indicate the size of diameter, thickness or watch series they were made I am no watchmaker I honestly don't know for sure what the numbers stand for. ;) But I love this feeling that there is a "code" on them that I cannot decipher. A bit of mystery....oooooh!

I also used scraps of a magazine page I used on a previous project. The issue I tore the scraps from dates back to 1938 and is all about literature, book recommendations, reviews and latest publications.

For more depth and texture I added some stamping - using the fab Tim Holtz stamps from the "classics #6" set. The fab numbers stamp is from Ditzie Designs.

I also used black and white watercolour pencils to draw circles and activate the pigment with a water loaded brush. Oh, and with some spots I used the pink watercolour pencil too.

I especially love the colour of that bleached red paper scrap! As soon as I had glued it to create my background I had a clue for a colour scheme. So I was very happy that with some of the magazine scraps there was this red print too!

I loved glueing all the various scraps with the bleached and aged paper tones, the blues and reds to the page and it was exciting and surprising even for me to see how a certain colour scheme and design started to form by only preparing the background doing all the collaging!

My quote was printed on heavy printer paper, glued to the stamped and collaged page and blended in by shading the edges with Distress markers (and smudging the outlines with my fingertip).

I really think that "scrap" often is the wrong word for left overs and found or forgotten they all are evidence of some action or event they were involved in. By taking a closer look at those scraps, touching them, finding traces of time and usage, we can do a little "timetravel" - not with precise ideas of what it is that we see, but with that hint of incidences or meaning that these scraps once were part of.

I hope you like my journal page and will have a lot of fun using some of your own scraps to turn them into something new and give them a new purpose! Can't wait to see what you will enter to Linda's challenge!

There's a prize to win too - this month sponsored by Crafty Individuals! Yay! So what are you waiting for! Hop over to Our Creative Corner to learn more about challenge details and also see the fab inspiration my team mates created for you!

Lovely Susi froebelsternchen told me my page would also fit the actual "Circles" theme over at Art Journal Journey - so thank you for the hint, Susi! Of course I enter my page gladly to your wonderful art journalling collection over there! 
I also enter it to Simon Says' Wednesday Challenges, where "Anything Goes" this time and to Vintage Stamping Challenges - "Anything Goes" challenge as well.
And last but not least: the very first challenge over at the new "Crafting At The Weekend" challenge blog, where they start with an "Anything Goes" challenge too. 

Hugs and happy crafting,

Claudia xx


  1. Stunningly gorgeous journalling Claudia - love the way you've mixed the media on this to create such a 'grungy' feel. Jenny x

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
    BTW I also love your drawer!

  3. Absolut fantastisch Claudia.. das wär auch toll wenn Du es zur AJJ /Kreise verlinken könntest---das würde perfekt passen dazu!
    einen schönen Feiertag!

  4. A fantastic layered page full of depth and beauty - wonderful way to use the scraps from that amazing cabinet. Gorgeous work.
    Alison x

  5. Wowwww, was für eine fantastische Seite. Klasse! Bin begeistert....sooo schön.

    LG Carola

  6. Danke Claudia -- you are lovely too!
    we are two sweeties, aren't we? lol!

  7. A fabulous page! I love your technique.

  8. Das sieht absolut fantastisch aus!!!! Wirklich klasse!!!!


  9. WOW,die seiten sind absolut fantastisch und wunderschön gemacht,passt sehr schön zum thema kreise.

    GLG Jeanette

  10. all die wundervollen details, kann mich gar nicht satt sehen...

  11. Not only do I love your page, I love your organization box, splendid. xox

  12. Totally brilliant journal page Claudia! This is one of my all time favourite journaling techniques and I just love that it was created from left overs and scraps, really stunning, I can look at it for agaes and still discover new things!

  13. Claudia, this is so gorgeous. Love the colours and the fab mix of images. Thanks for sharing. Jean.x

  14. Such a stunning project. Thank you for sharing at CATW challenge.

  15. Fabulous layering on your page, a brilliant way to use up bits and pieces/

  16. wow was für eine fantastische Arbeit und so aufwänig gestaltet!!!
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  17. Hello from AJJ
    Your page is wonderful with so much texture and interest...
    really fab!

  18. Love the page the texture and colours is lovely.
    Becky x

  19. Love the vintage look and palette that you've used.

  20. Fabulous page Claudia, so many wonderful details to look at and I love the colours.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  21. Eine fabelhafte Seite! Es gibt so viel zu entdecken hier ... schöne Details und die Barben gefallen mir auch sehr! Eine großartige Kompostion!

  22. Total jecke Idee mit diesen Zettelchen liebe Claudia und deine Seite sieht damit wieder total genial aus.
    Wunderbar vielfältig gestaltet, mag ich sehr.
    Liebe Grüße

  23. What beautiful art all those scrappy pieces made!

  24. Just been catching up Claudia, some great creations - Love this Journal page.
    Avril xx


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