Friday, 5 October 2018

Get Your Spook On with StencilGirl® Stencils

Hi, servus and thanks so much for stopping by today! It's time for all kinds of "Treats"  this month over at the StencilGirl® Talk Blog and I treated myself to a really happy and messy time at my craft desk with my latest project for your inspiration. 

The Blair Witch Project is definitely one of the spookiest movies I know and I remember all that creepy stuff hanging from the dead looking trees... like bones, little voodoo-like dolls made from twigs and dried grass, birds wings and other animal parts and bones...well, honestly I always wonder who (and what kind of folks) the people are that create these things for movie sets. They must have lots of fun at work. ;)

I guess they love their good daily dose of spook (and maybe even a bit of splattery grizzly gore here and there) - and to be honest - I don't like the real splatter movies and many horror movies are just dull and boring, but a good horror movie with great storytelling and effects is something I really enjoy.

Of course I had to add at least one black raven to my spooky diorama. 

I love these beautiful and intelligent birds; their cries have something melancholic about them and the fact that ravens are all black makes them the perfect omen that something wicked is coming your way...

...and with that tight thicket everywhere around you there's no way to ever be able to run fast enough to escape it...

But enough of honest: do you still shield your eyes with your hands and peek through your fingers during a horror movie (and have fun at being scared on your safe and cosy sofa)? Well - I do. ;) 

By clicking HERE you will be taken to the StencilGirl® Talk Blog where you can find out about the whole project, stencils used and how I made my spooky Blair Witch diorama. I have also done a seven (!) minutes long video for those who prefer to listen to me explaining chatting away about the stencils and products used and my thoughts behind the project,  instead of reading a long post. For the tutorial though I recommend you read the post. That might even take less long than watching the video this time I guess. lol 

Hope to see you over there!

Hugs and BOO! Happy Crafting!


  1. Wunderbar, habe mir alles angeschaut und liebe diese Gestaltung in den passenden Halloweentönen mit 3D Effekt. 'Glow in the Dark' war auch hier im Einsatz und als Tipp, mit dem Dimensional Paint Writer
    leuchtet es etwas mehr, da man die Farbe dicker aufbringen kann. Schönen Sonntag! LG Kerstin xxx

  2. How fun Claudia!! Truly a super make! And I so loved listening to you! You are a good chatterer! heehee
    Jackie xo


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