Savvy Supply School is a guided learning programme running for 12 weeks. It is on sale from today and will start on 3rd January. It includes 26 projects that will show you how to create mixed media art and have a lot of creative fun with supplies most of you count among their basics and have at home already, some of which you would maybe even never have thought of using in a mixed media project!
I am not only very proud and happy to be one among these amazing, artsy instructors and sharing a fully narrated video class I have made for you...
...but also really love the idea behind Savvy Supply School; using what you already have in new inventive and savvy ways instead of always buying the latest mixed media products...which isn't anything bad of course - I love to allow myself to some new product here and there too and love taking on new techniques with these... but I found I have way too many different things in my products stash already to really make good use of all of them. And honestly there is nothing more frustrating to unearth a dried out pot of something useful and fun that I bought and just forgot I had because I have been buying too much new stuff in the meantime and thus forgot to come back to it.
And also often it does not have to be the fancy, new (and sometimes expensive) stuff that you need to use or own to be part of the latest mixed media trends.
Creating art really is about using our brains and being "inventive" and happily playful in one or the other way, finding ways to use what we have at hand in more than just one way and nurturing ones soul during the creative process and enjoying the satisfying feeling that comes from ending up with something that does not look as if it has been created using "cheap" or "ordinary" stuff or maybe even trash (like I did with my project) - but instead looks magical and makes your friends and followers wonder how on Earth you have achieved this amazing effect, that divine surface texture or what it actually IS that you have created your piece of art from, right?
I will not give away the secret of what it is that I have used, but I am allowed to share this sneak peek with you and maybe you can already guess some of the savvy supplies shown here... ;)
I only can tell you so much when it comes to the project I am teaching: "from trash to treasure" is the motto behind this make and - as is the case with most of my art - it is highly textural and combines things you can find in every household with one or the other little found object treasure from your stash and a savvy (and really cheap) way to create your own "mixed media speciality texture product".
There's about forty five minutes video - showing me doing the whole project from start to finish and explaining everything you need to know to use my ideas and savvy supplies to create your own assemblage art pieces. I am already very excited and can't wait to share my class with you! ;)
The deets:
This is what you will get for the price of 65 Euro/£55 - or if you use the
early bird discount code CNSSS20
You will also love the variety of the projects and surprising supplies used! I promise!
So do not hesitate: copy the discount code above and use this link HERE (or click on the Savvy Supply School banner above) to hop over to Mixed Up Creative Academy -
there you will find more information on supplies needed, the idea behind this special school plus a short video showing the projects' sneak peeks in more detail and explaining what Savvy Supply School is all about. I hope to see you there in January!!!!
Hugs and happy crafting!
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