Wednesday, 27 February 2013

"Feenwünsche.../Fairies' Wishes..."

I tried a lovely technique today - stamping with water into Distress ink (thus removing some of the paint), which leaves a kind of "watermark".

The impression of that background inspired me to work a rather playful and "lovely" tag. Did I ever mention that I love fairies? Well, maybe you remember this image (one of my very first and still most beloved scrap pieces)...

A lot of different mixed-media went into this one:

I gessoed a page from an old book and stamped the fairy image (a nice goodie that came with an order some time ago) and the words on it.
I treated a small, thin vial with alcohol inks and filled it with some glitter flakes and some hand written lines that came to my mind while working on the tag.
I drilled a hole into a piece of bark (that was blended with some Distress inks to match the colour scheme of the tag) to use it as embellishment and add some depth and texture.
I fiddled a small flower from another piece of the book page and inked it with some Distress inks.

Well - enough about the what and how to - enjoy the images!


die amelie xx

"Feenwünsche - leicht wie Sommerbrisen -
 landen sacht in deinem Herzen,
fliegen über Wald
und Wiesen"

( a rather loose translation:)
"Fairies' wishes, lighter than a summer breeze,
disembark on your heart's shores,
softly sail 'cross mountains,
glens and fields"


  1. Oh das ist einfach unglaublich schön - richtig mystisch - traumhaft!!!!
    Ganz liebe grüße, Dagmar

  2. Truly beautiful - I love fairies too and I think this piece is truly lovely! xx

  3. Your work is truly inspiring Claudia, I love what you have done with the vial. Hugs Mo x

  4. Claudia, wowww I love this look you've created...great colouring and such nice details. Lovely artwork!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  5. So delicate, whimsical and beautiful... the watermark flourishes are just lovely - and I can see how they inspired you!
    Alison x

  6. Stunning make Claudia love the colours and background layers you have created. Fab embellies too

    Annie x

  7. ganz schön verspielt bist Du!!!
    aber genau mein Fall.. DU hast es gekonnt trotz der kleinen Kinderei( das ELfchen... ich mag ELfen aber auch total gern muss ich jetzt mal bemerken . auch wenn das nebensäclich ist)durch diese Baumrinde auf den Weg zu einer Besonderheit geschickt....
    Glas- Rinde - all in one and ALL BEAUTIFUL!

  8. *schwärm*

    Das ist soooo wunder-wunderschön geworden, liebe Claudia.
    Ich bin hin und weg von Deinem Feen-Tag

  9. Oh I adore this Claudia! Love the delicacy of the stamping, the treated bark and that fabulous vial. Magical. Hugs, Jenny x

  10. So gorgeous, what a great technique! Need to try this :)

  11. Gorgeous and love hat youbhave done with the little bottle! Yummy trace x

  12. OMG was für ein zauberhaftes Werk, unglaublich schön *schwärm*

    Begeisterte Grüße
    von Anke

  13. so beautiful, love the fairy and how you used the bark.


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