Wednesday, 4 September 2013

WOYWW #222

Not much time for crafting or blogging but I definitely wanted to participate in Julia Dunnit's weekly wednesday workdesk meet 'n greet!

Back home again I still seem to have a bit of creative block. Even though I already proudly added my latest bargain that is meant to help with organizing my acrylic colours, colour mists and various "elixirs"...

See? I love that I have all my bottles and sprays (that were previously stored in boxes with lids (and an old shoes card board box...brrrr!)  right at hand now AND that I can put them out of the way with just one single grasp.

But as you can also see - my desk is rather empty. Not much going on at the moment - me, having the flu and still having to unpack some of the numerous bits 'n pieces that we had with us on our three weeks holiday... a lot of laundry to do as well...and my son starting school right now...all in all a lot of work to do but not too inspirational to be honest. BUT...

...I was sooo lucky to have kinda Christmas in the middle of summer when we visited my husband's uncle while on holidays, who is a genius when it comes to repairing old motorcycles and cars and shopping at flea markets!
He bought himself an old "Steyr" car from 1936 and made it all shiny and new (and working again of course) during the last six years. It's such a beauty! Sadly the weather was very wet and cold so we could not take a ride with it... I love that beautiful old fashioned design with the shiny wooden steering wheel, the tiny wind screen whipers, the shining red metal and the wonderful leather seats.

When you visit his garage, you feel like you have entered Ali Baba's fourty thieves' treasure cave! And he did not only show me around, but I got a lot of old aged timeworn stuff from him (after my husband had insisted on showing him my blog):

Awesome, isn't it? A lot of rusted beauties, old keys and cigar boxes... and they are all mine now! Thank you so much, Uncle Helmut, for giving away all those lovely things! :)

Can't promise to visit and comment on a lot of workdesks this wednesday, but I'll try! Promise!

Claudia - die amelie x


  1. What an incredible blog you have! I love both your workdesk AND your husband's!

  2. Na Hammer was Du vom Motorradonkel alles gekriegt hast! Spitze! Und Dein Rondoträgerchen ist wirklich total perfekt..
    ich sollte mich doch auch mal so gut organisieren.. ich bin die Chaotische ..leider!
    Gute Besserung liebe Claudia und die Muse und Zeit zum Werkeln stellt sich bal wieder ein - Du wirst sehen...
    NUR kreieren wär ja auch fad...
    ich hab derzeit auch so viel Dreck mal wieder ( unser Umbau wird immer schlimmer denn besser ---lol.... Land in Sicht aber wann? Lebe Quasi auf einer riesigen Baustelle.. da kannste putzen putzen putzen ohne Ende)

    Und nicht zu vergessen möchte ich mich für Deinen letzten Kommentar bedanken.. meine Güte ..Du schreibst das so schön und ich bin total ergriffen, dass Du meine Werke als schöne Gedichte enpfindest!
    Denn... literarisch dichten kann ich ja so gar
    hast mir eine große Freude gemacht damit! Geht natürlich runter wie Butter vor allem von so einer kunstvollen Seele wie Dir!

    Alles Liebe - gute Beserung...
    und denk Dir nichts..
    die Wäsche und der Haushalt und die Kids..
    ist doch immer das Gleiche ... geht uns doch allen so! Hauptsache Ihr hattet einen schönen Urlaub!

    xxx Susi

  3. I really like your storage for your ink bottles. happy crafting #1

  4. Can't wait to see what you do with all that rusty stuff!

  5. It's great to get your often used supplies out of boxes isn't it - and in to such practical new storage too.

    I can see some fabulous altered projects growing from that amazing selection!

    Have a fun week - don't just do laundry! MMx #45

  6. Great container storage. love all to parts to play with. 93

  7. Love the cream two tier holder for putting lots of bottles in

  8. that's indeed a great find and such a lovely uncle to give you so much goodies. Hope you feel better soon.
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.
    xx Monique #60

  9. Love your carousel bet you will use all those supplies so much more now they are so handy ! Those new treasures look amazing - you will have to show us what you get upto with them ! Ali #38

  10. Oh, what a fabulous hoard. I bet his place is fascinating to look round !!
    Great tidy and organised desk too !! :-)


    IKE in Greece #67 xxxxx

  11. what a treasure you could haul home!!! old garages are awesome :)
    Hm, mit dem Organizieren haperst by mir momentan - ueberall eher Stapel-Chaos. Ah well, irgendwann, vielleicht ;)
    Happy woyww,
    Jana #58

  12. What fabulous treasures your uncle discovered - and how lucky you are to bring them home with you! Love your new storage too...
    Alison x

  13. I love all the goodies you got from your uncle. Oh, congratulations on your win at Tim Holtz August tag too. Blessings!

  14. You have definitely scored well from your Uncle with all these wonderful bits and bobs and I am loving your new storage for your sprays and mists. Have a great week! Danie #25

  15. Hi Claudia, sorry to hear you are underthe weather. What lovely things you got to play with. Congratulations in coming top 12 in Tims Tags. Well Done. Gruesse von Francesca

  16. Wow...that's great rusty stuff on your desk Claudia! A great inspiration to alter them into gorgeous art...have fun!!!


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