Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Birds, Birds, Birds!

Seems I have caught the birdy-virus today I want to share another art journal card featuring one of our feathered friends ;)

To create this card I used some of the lovely Red Lead Bird masks and stamps, black archival ink, Brushos, some white gauze, DecoArt media Misters and Decou-Page, old dictionary page scraps and a cut in half postal stamp sticker.

I knew that the Brusho colours would re-activate once I was going to spread the sealant over the glued on bird shape, but I was hoping it might have some slight "aesthetical smudgeing" effect on the gauze...and got lucky. ;)

The bird's feet and outlines were drawn with a black china ink pen and the colour from the Misters was sprinkled on randomly.

Well, I am afraid (or should I say sure?) that this wasn't the last bird creation to be seen on my out for those birdies! ;)

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia xxx


  1. so ein zauberhaftes Teilchen! Bin ganz verliebt in Deine Kreation... von mir aus darfst Du noch gaaanz viele Vögelchen machen....immer gern!
    Liebe Grüße nach WIen zu Dir ..von

  2. Another fab journaling card
    Amanda x

  3. Gorgeous Claudia! I have that same bird virus, isn't that funny!! This is great, love the effect you got with the brushos, so vibrant! love it! hugs :)

  4. Das hat langsam schon was von Frühling, ein Vöglein nach dem nächsten kehrt zurück und bringt Farbe und Frische in unseren grauen Alltag! Die ersten Vorboten und ich vermute bald kommen ganze Schwärme, oder ;-) Wunderbar gelungen!!! LG Kerstin xx

  5. Adorable bird and I loved reading about all your art materials and processes. An interesting and original idea to use gauze.
    Great result.

  6. looks fab! love the vibrant sketchy feel! Debi x

  7. so glad to see you just playing and having fun Claudia- your sweet birds show it !Love the stamped quote you used! a beauty of a card , my friend- xo

  8. I think you have some more viruses going on LOL We don't mind - we enjoy your creations!

  9. Love it Claudia. Happy crafting, Angela x

  10. So Totally, Vibrantly Wonderful, Claudia!! If you've got the birdy-virus, then I'll take a dose!! Just love everything about this and I LOOOVE the yellow & green bird!! Yellow is my favorite color, and yellow birds (of any kind) are my favs!! We have goldfinches here during the spring/summer months and I just squeal with happiness when they come around!! Another Fabulous journal card creation!! XOXO-Shari

  11. Hello Claudia,
    What a wonderful palette it has such a happy feel about it, and your bird is fabulous.....Adding the piece of gauze lifts this page for me because now I want to touch!


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