Sunday, 18 January 2015

"Surprised Bird on a Floating Branch" Art Journal Card

A quite colourful project from me today - an art journal card I did using rubber stamps, Caran d'Ache watersoluble pencils, Faber Castell PITT artist pens, Brushos, a white Sharpie, a black Stabilo Marks it All and black archival ink.

My bird does not have to fly by itself as the branch it sits on is already floating in the air (taking it to whoknowswhere). As are a lot of bubbles and flowery thoughts filled with good wishes, hopes and moments of joy. The air is also filled with fragments of lost thoughts. Maybe some of them were important, maybe some of them just weren't thought right to the end. Who knows.

I am still in love with the 4x6'' format of the Journal Cards. They are perfect for small and quick mixed media fun projects! ;)

Wishing you all a lovely Sunday!
Hugs and happy crafting,


  1. Beautiful journal page, love the splash of colors!!

  2. Gorgeous pop of colour, great idea doing the cards. The snow has found me in Wales now, am freezing :( crafting to keep warm :) Elizabeth xxx

  3. zauberhaft! Ich mag Deinen neuen verspielten Stil... Du hast eben alles drauf!
    Schönen Sonntag noch aus dem verschneiten Waldviertel!

  4. Love it Claudia, so much so I have my big pile of cards out now.
    Amanda x

  5. Das ist soooo schön - richtig fröhlich und frühlingshaft! Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  6. Ooh this is so different for you Claudia,it looks very folksy,beautifully created journal card
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  7. A joyful and lovely colours card. Great!

  8. A brilliant journal card, so many details to look at.
    Yvonne x

  9. Hi Claudia, loving this design. There is a clever simplicity in the way you have done this card. The little bird looks so relaxed on his branch even though it is floating in mid air which makes the design kind of magical. The colours are perfect for this picture, there is no more to be said other than I love it.
    Angela x

  10. Frech, fröhlich und mal was ganz Anderes von dir. Gefällt mir sehr.
    Liebe Grüße

  11. I took one look at this page and it got my attention right away. Just baked a batch of cookies and am really tired . This page is so happy and colorful I had to tell you how it pepped me up. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing.

  12. Die Farben sind genauso frisch und strahlend, wie ich es gestern war, ich konnte gar nicht mehr aufhören, um wieder aufzutauchen ;-)! LG Kerstin xx

  13. Total schön, Claudia! Mir gefallen die frischen Farben auch super gut :-).
    Liebe Grüße

  14. OK, Claudia!! You are completely convincing me that I need some of those journal cards, too!! This is another mini-masterpiece :) It's so full of life and movement and those bright pops of yellow--LOVE THIS!! Yellow is my fav color, so I could be biased :) Such a fun creation!! XOXO-Shari

  15. I'm with Shari- I think I'll have to look into that size also!!
    I love this side to your art also Claudia! The bright and colorful fits you as well as does the grunge/vintage- I love all of your art! xo

  16. So anders und trotzdem gleich toll! Großartige Farben!

  17. What a superb birdie card, love all the flowery and patterned roundels.
    I like the birdie's mode of transport, a motorised branch.


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