Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Try It On Tuesday - "Hand made flowers"

Back from holls I am ready to join in the Try It On Tuesday team again and this fortnight we want you to use

selfmade flowers

with your projects. As easy as that (and the ways to create flowers seem almost endless).

I browsed pinterest for inspiration (and found a lot of awesome flower tutorials), but in the end I came up with my own idea of a selfmade flower (maybe because I am too impatient at the moment to play around with fiddly paper flowers...I am still in homecoming mode it seems and not completely at home - especially not with my crafting desk).

Those who know me/my blog, know that I am not very much of a flower-girl... anyway I am quite content with the outcome. (Hope, you like my flowers too ;)

I used three pieces of black wire, a cork, some wood buttons, lace ribbons and my hot glue gun to create a table card holder. The stamped image is one of the awesome Red Lead stamps!

Please, hop over to Try It On Tuesday to see what my fabulous team mates created for your inspiration! Looking forward to seeing your selfmade flowers soon!

If you scroll down a bit you will find this fortnight's challenge at FunwithATCs! I would love to see you joining in the ATC fun too ;)

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia x


  1. Love your quirky lace and button flowers Claudia and the way you have displayed them is just fab! Hope you had a good holiday and welcome back!!

  2. Oh die sind na super schön - so nastalgisch! Über solche nie vergehenden Blumen wuerde ich mich auch freuen ;o) LG, Dagmar

  3. Love the lace flowers a great project love the idea. Hugs Bee

  4. ein zauberhaftes kleines Arrangement! gefällt mir super!
    auch Deine ATC ist total klasse!

    sei lieb gegrüßt - ich hoffe es geht Dir schon ein wenig besser Claudia!


  5. Wow - these really tickle my fancy! I'm such an admirer of some of the paper-flower makers out there, but simply don't seem to have the patience myself, and your alternative take is absolutely right up my street... They're fun and funky, and so original - really great project!
    Alison xx

  6. Nothing more to say that i totally agree with Alison (:o)

  7. Brilliant arrangement Claudia! Nicola x

  8. Love your fabulous flower arrangement. It is so original, fun and modern.
    Yvonne x

  9. Fabulous Claudia, so quirky - great idea and beautifully executed! Hugs, Anne x

  10. Love this unique piece Claudia a great 3d make to show your fabulous little flowers.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  11. Great make Claudia, love the funky flowers.
    Avril x


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